Tuesday, April 10, 2012

What a week

So there is a lot to take in this week it seems. Lots of things happening back home, and a lot of things happening here in the promised land.
  Easter, was way good, but I will get to that later and save the best for last.
We had kind of a slow week, but a lot of good things DID happen.
We had a family night with an investigator Káren and her family on I think it was Thursday night that was great. She really started to enjoy what we teach and feel The Spirit, we still haven´t gotten her to go to church though, but being a single mom is not easy, we are really trying to help her understand that The Gospel will be a blessing in her life and the life of her children and will ease the burdens and heal the pain she has experienced in her past. Anyways, family night was awesome, we envited another investigator, Clarissa who is going to be baptized this Saturday (WOOHOO!) and we gave a message about the word of wisdom and how the Commandments of The Lord are a foundation in our lives. then we played Jenga (super fun) and made french toast. Way good night, good Spirit. I thought about how often, we think of The Spirit, as that burning in our hearts, and a clear mind, that feeling of quiet reverence that comes over us, but He has so many other roles than that. In those really light, wholesome, and fun moments, The Spirit is there, and he testifies that this is REAL lasting happiness.
Friday, also good. Don´t really remember what happened specifically, but we taught a lot and it was way good. I studied about The Atonement in Gethsemani, and the Crucifiction, and it was nice just to ponder that, and the love The Lord showed. Saturday I studied about The Spirit world and how Christ also fufilled part of his ministry there ´preaching to the spirits in prison´ (reference in Peter, but I don´t rememeber now specifically)
And of course Sunday, the glorious ressurection of The Savior. It was interesting to really ponder about Easter (Páscoa in portuguese) How there is such a giant fanfare over Christmas and a whole season devoted to it, and it seems that Easter is a weekend that comes and goes and we celebrate and then, done. I never really took the time to think about how the birth of The Lord Jesus Christ, wouldn't really mean much if he hadn´t actually completed the mission he came to fufill. Easter really means, the victory of good over evil. Christ ´overcame the world´ and we all can live with God the Father and our families if we, through our obedience to The Lord and his commandments can secure for ourselves his grace. All of this is really too deep to put down in an email.
It was also fun to study about the deliverence of Israel from Egypt and where Easter originated. I highly recommend it, even though it is a few days late.
 It was so fun to see pictures of Louie and Shelby at the CTM!
Also, Elder Carvalho, that was in my district in Camaquã sent me a picture of him and Grant together! Ha, It was so weird when Grant said he knew him. Ha I didn´t know he was serving in his ward though.
  Ha, Lauren Howe, ya I remember her too. I don´t remember what year I had seminary with her though... It must have been my sophomore year. That´s cool, she is way awesome.
Ha and congrats to Shaun, you have made your way into the Wendy´s world... do you get free or discounted food? Parabéns burger flipper :p If Bri is now Princess, can Shaun be Frosty?  (fyi: Bri was just hired as receptionist for a Disney CEO in New York)
Anyways, I hope you all had a great week too. I sure did, we were bombarded with love from the members (and chocolate too, I will be so fat) The Releif Society sisters sang ´Hark All Ye Nations, Hear Heavens Voice´ for us and wanted us to know that they loved us and were grateful for us being with them so far from our families to serve The Lord. It was really nice and I felt very warm inside.
Plus we ate Churrasco. So our ward here is super great. We have really worked on gaining the hearts and confidence of the members and we are starting to work really well together in the missionary work. I am going to go now. We are going to eat lunch with a SUPER cool guy in our ward named Nathan. He told me he posted something on my facebook, so if you saw that, it´s him. So. Have a good week. I love you all. Remember to serve others, you will be happy.

Com Grande amor
Seu filho, irmão, e amigo
Elder David F Morgan

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