Monday, April 23, 2012

Celestial Week

  HOORAY! Congrats to Krista and Kenny, so cool that there will be yet ANOTHER little one for me to know when I get home. (If that is only family and not public new yet, feel free to delete that part) So weird/ cool to think about that. Anyways 100% congrats! Sounds like you are handlin pregnancy fairly well until now too hehe. Clarissa that we baptized last week is starting to have it pretty rough, but she IS pregnant with twins. Anyways, moving on. Super happy for ya.
By the way, the new GMAIL thing, absolutely terrible, just so everybody knows my opinion. It is making my email writing efficiancy SUPER bad.

To start off, we had another really great week. Iara was baptized yesterday before church and confirmed in sacrament meeting. We have been teaching her since I got here, and she has progressed REALLY well, loves church and all the members, but something has always gotten in the way of her going to church and being baptzied, plus she is moving to another part of town. In a bold moment, we invited her to baptized Sunday morning before church, and she accepted. It was funny, we woke up early and were on our way to pick her up. We called and she let us know she was already ready to go. When we finally got there she called us and told us she decided not to wait anymore, and left to church on her own. When we got to the chapel, somebody had emptied the baptismal font that we had left full! (AHHHH) so we filled it up, but let her know that water would be super cold, she didn´t even care, she just was ready to be baptized and said she was feeling warm enough in her heart. What a person, she was so excited to just finally be baptized. (But just to make it nicer, we heated up water on the stove and put it in with the cold water to help out a bit) It was a great way to start the day.
  Wow, this area is blowing my mind. We are starting to have a lot of success. We have really built a good relationship with the members and they have started to help us out a lot in our work, making visits with us and helping people feel welcome at church. Working with the members of the church is a very important part of missionary service and we are having a lot of success with it. I know we can do better than we are right now too, and we are just starting to scratch the surface. We had a ward mission leader called yesterday too. Thus far in my mission I am pretty much used to working without one, we will see how that goes, I am sure he will be a blessing to our work here.
Hump day was cool, ha. Funny thing is that I got into a pretty big ´discussion´ that morning with Elder Cardoso (actually a continuation of one the night before). We resolved a lot of things and worked like crazy, and ended up having a really good day. We made churrasco (pretty much anytime you are celebrating here, that is what you will eat) with Elder Muniz, Elder Fagg, Elder Annunçiação, and Elder Sroka ( also from my group) I didn´t get around to burning a tie, and I should have taken pictures at the celebration, but it was still fun. Mostly we just talked ha. And I ate a nerds rope that Hanna Knudson sent to me. I can´t believe I have passed half of my time here already. It is flying by and I feel like there is so much more to be done. It really puts a perspective on things.  All in all, super good though.

Being a missionary sure is funny. Especially the companion part. You have a guy ´in your face´ so to speak, from the moment you wake up until the moment you go back to sleep that night, and whatever you do, you do it together. Thus far as a missionary I have not ever been prone to argue or fight with my companion, sure we had a our moments of disagreement but never anything serious. I am defentely more open with Elder Cardoso than any of my other companions before, we are really close and working way good together, ha but we end up having our little disagreement moments more than I ever have before. I think it is kind of healthy, because we don´t just keep it inside, we are both really intrested and passionate about what we are doing, and so we work through it together, and if we don´t agree, we work through that. Plus he is just kind of crazy.

We were REALLY wanting to meet our goal of lessons w/ members last night, and we were just missing one. Luckily we had gotten a referal and it was our last visit that night. Edemar. He has been a member for about ten years or so from what I understand, but has been inactive for that last few years because he went through a pretty rough seperation. He was really receptive and told us a lot about his story and how much he loves missionary work and working in the church. We mostly just talked with him, and then we ended up teaching him and his girlfriend and she seemed interested and they were receptive to having us back again. It really went well and I am excited to go back and teach them this next week.

Well, this week will be full I am sure, seeing as we have Interviews, Zone Council, and a special conference w/ Elder Jeffery R. Holland, so I suppose I will have a lot to write about in the coming week. I hope you are all doing very well. All my love.

Seu Filho, Irmão, e Amigo
Elder David F. Morgan

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