Tuesday, April 3, 2012


Wow, so this week past super fast. If this email is short we will probably be coming back to write later today, so this might be ´to be continued´ we´ll see. It seems like there isn´t much time to write lately.
  We had a super good week in that we found a LOT of people to teach, and even better they are complete families! Nothing is better than teaching a complete family, and we happend upon three of them! Oh YA! It was kind of funny, we were walking along and a lady asked us ´aren´t you the Mormons?` we told her it was a nickname of the church and if she would like to learn more we would love to come and visit her. She told us no but that everybody on her street was really needing to be taught (??) so we got her address so she could refer us to who she would like us to teach. In looking for her we found a couple, and we found another family accross the street that we taught The Plan of Salvation too, and we are going back to visit their neighbors later this week too. Also, on Sunday we went to visit a family that we started teaching last week. They were putting up a brick wall and we had offered our help. Ha, they were suprised to see that we ACTUALLY showed up to help. We are both fairly inexperienced but we managed to help a little bit, I think the best part is we actually started to build a relationship with them. We ended up eating lunch twice because the mother of the family cooked lunch and said she would be hurt if we didn´t eat with them. So we ate fast and then booked it to our lunch appointment with the members.
  Wow, lot´s to say and not enough time to say it all. We also are teaching Clarissa, a woman who showed up last Sunday randomly to church. She has been attending church in Cachoeirinha (little waterfall) for the last year but hadn´t been able to baptized. She moved back here and showed up at church and told us she wanted to be baptized, ha and we were really happy to help her with that haha, she will be baptized next week.
  Really the only bummer about the week is that NOBODY showed up for General Conference, we invited and committed everybody to come and they said they would and when it actually comes down to it. Nothing. It is kind of hard to see so much work and prayers and then get to the end of the week and nothing. Oh well, that is part of being a missionary.
  Okay. I´m leaving. but I´ll be back. But just incase I don´t manage to. Uchtdorf é O Cara! (Ya, that´s right)
Muito Amor
Elder F. Morgan


I will finish up this email, We just had a sweet churrasco with some missionaries and it was lots of fun.
I really enjoyed General Conference. Once again I didn´t get to watch the saturday session because we didn´t have any investigators that went, but I am looking forward to reading all about it in the Liahona. I really liked Elder Anderson´s talk, we should all ask ourselves. ´What does Christ think of me?´ when it REALLY comes down to it, that is what is going to matter. In my personal opinion, I think a lot of what Christ thinks about it us will depend on the service we rendered to God´s children with our time here on earth.
So I really wanted to share this video with everyone. My companion has a lot of these on his ipod and this really touched me. Probably some of you have already seen it. If the video doesn´t show up with this link, look up on youtube. Gordon B. Hinckley- lessons I learned as a boy.
  I had more to say but I have forgotten it. I can´t believe how quickly this transfer has passed by, they just get faster and faster. It is really sad to see so many of my friends leaving the mission, and it is weird to have people coming to me to ask for help or advice, I can´t believe and sometimes don´t want to accept how old I am getting on the mission. It is going by way super fast.
By the way, sorry I am way behind on writing back letters to everybody, I will try to write soon, but it just has been really hectic lately.
  So it´s spring break there and the weather is crummy, ha suprise suprise.
So it is amazing how attatched I become to everywhere I go as a missionary, I am already afraid that I will be transfered out of here and leave all these great people I am coming to love. Also, when I got in this area, my English was struggling a bit. But about half of our ward speaks English, it is SUPER weird, and I have had to talk with the new Americans in our zone a lot to explain things so now I can just switch in and out between the two pretty easily. The thing is that Elder Cardoso wants me to help him learn English, it is a really big test of my patience, I am realizing now how hard it must have been for Elder Gramosa to work with me when I first showed up and just how much patience he really had. Elder Cardoso is pretty awesome, he is a really good missionary and is helping me a lot, especially to really be bold, ha he reminds me a lot of Tom, it is pretty great, I tell him that too, so I almost feel at home!
  Hey, Louie and Shelby are in the MTC now right? Who else is heading out soon.
Well, now I am going to go for real, I don´t really remember what to write. Thank you for all of your prayers, it means so much to me.
 Have a good week. To jump back to my Boy Scout days... Do a Good Turn Daily.
Lots of Love
Seu Filho, Irmão, e Amigão
Elder David F. Morgan

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