Monday, October 29, 2012

I can never think of good titles for my email

Óla família!
So ya, life is good.
Honestly, I am SOOOO tired this week. We need to clean our house still today too. We had a great begining to the week. We talked to so many people, we taught a lot and it was just way good. After about Wednesday though, things started falling through and we didn´t have any more lessons. The problem is we are teaching people only on a weekly basis instead of short, but various visits in the week. Luis Fernando went to church yesterday! Woohoo! He seemed to really like it, and there was lots of people at church that day too, the talks and discussions were perfect as well, I was really pleased.
Last night we were going to teach Luis Fernando, but there was some members who were going to teach with us, and he didn´t have much room at his apartment, so we went and had a lesson in the park about The Plan of Salvation. He is really intelligent and understands well all of the concepts that we talk about. Honestly, he is a little weird, does Calculus, just for fun, haha but a great guy. There is another young man, about 14 years old, who has been coming to church too that we started to teach, Iago, who is really great, it is just being difficult to meet with him. He started praying, after having gone to church without anybody having invited him.
We had a ward activity on Saturday, where we got together and went in families to go and distribute friendship cards in the neighborhood around the Chapel. It was fun to see everybody get so excited about missionary work and everyone who participated enjoyed it.
Today I got permission to go and pay a visit in Simões Lopes :) I visted Cátia, ( Igor wasn´t there, and has been having some problems, I don´t remember if I mentioned that they seperated) and it was so great to see how The Lord had blessed her and there family for being faithful and obeying the commandments. She is working, studying, taking care of three children, is very very poor, but still finds time to smile, hold family night, and serve faithfully in the ward. It was so great, you can really just see a light in her eyes as she and her mother, who haha was CRAZY before, as they have been changed by The Atonement of Christ. They used to fight, hardly speak during the day, etc. Now they are the best of friends, hugging and laughing, and living a simple, but happy life. I felt so pleased to see them.
So, I stayed here with Elder de Almeida for one more transfer, it has been good. The transfer was CRAZY, Presidente Castro told us to forget logic, because it doesn´t exist anymore in our mission.
We did a baptismal interview this week too, in Gotuzzo, with two Elders. A young woman ( ha 28 years old) who has been ready for baptism for quite awhile, but was never baptized, because she said she still didn´t have a testemony. One day her friend was saying how she condemed The Book of Mormon, and then Ana Claudia ( the girl who will be baptized this friday) bore her testimony of The Book of Mormon and The Bible together, and then realized she did know The Gospel was true, and decided to take the step to be baptized, her friend wants to watch her baptism.
Well, that is all I have time for. I can´t wait for Krista to have her baby. I can´t believe how many neices and maybe nephew I will have to get to know when I am home. The months are passing very quickly. I thought that I might train a new missionary or have another calling in the mission here soon, but I was told today that it isn´t likely that I will be released as a zone leader any time soon, we´ll see.
That´s all. LOTS and LOTS of love.
Elder David F Morgan

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