Tuesday, August 23, 2011

The Lord Knows Each Of Us

Óla family and Friends.
Where to start this week I am really not sure. It is amazing how a short period of time can be filled with so many different experiences. Ups and downs, and everything in between too.
Can I take a moment though to express my gratitude and testify of living Prophets and Apostles who The Lord inspires. The Lord knows each one of us and our needs and he has given us everything we need to learn and to grow and he puts things in motion just for us. I received the General Conference addition of The Liahona this last week and I can firmly say that though there are many reasons that the Lord inspires the leaders of His church to speak about what they do. I know that one reason was that He knew in April, that in four months, A Brazilian missionary would have doubts, questions, and be feeling a little down and that the written words of Prophets would provide strength and council to that missionary. The Lord is far more interested in our success and happiness than we are for ourselves and He knows exactly what we need. As many as the Lords loves, he is going to test, try, and push to the very limit, but He does not leave us alone. That is how we grow. Especially when we endure it well with patience and humility.
I think far too much I ask  ´ what am I going to gain from my mission?´ I am not hear to gain anything. I am here to give EVERYTHING. I can testify that we will find far more happiness, peace, and success in this life when our attitude changes from what will I get? to what can I give? In life, success in our relationships with others is far less about finding the right person and much more about being the right person.
We had some hard experiences this week, but also experiences that were very neat and touched my heart, but they only came after the trials and enduring.
Thank you everyone back home for your thoughts, prayers, love and support. Thank you for keeping me updated on what is going on back home.
I hope Tom made it back from Mexico alright, I guess I would have heard if it was otherwise huh? Sorry this is a short one but I have got to run. Haha, Soccer time! We are bringing two zones together to play.
Have a great week everyone. Remember to work hard and play hard. Jenn sent me a letter and it had something that I thought was very important and I  had been thinking about too. It was about resisting the urge to do nothing. Anyone who knows me knows that I can enjoy my time to loaf. But seriously, resist the urge to do Nothing. Find SOMETHING. There is a difference between being idle and relaxing.
Okay, Have a great week. I love you.
Seu Filho, Irmão, e Amigo.
Elder David F. Morgan

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