Saturday, March 2, 2013

Forgiveness and Transfers, you'll be best friends someday, GET ME OUT OF HERE!!

My title is just to help me not forget some of the things I wanted to write about. 
First of all, mom and dad, you are both forgiven for not having written me this last week. Your only chastising is that you have to pass through the shame of me having announced in this email that you both forgot. But I love you and I am glad that you pased that time serving other people. 
Okay, so we had transfers this last tuesday. It is a great time to be a missionary in Porto Alegre, and any other part of the world, with the announcement that the missionary age has been reduced, so many great young men and women are coming to serve The Lord full time as missionaries. This last week we received a group of 22 missionaries! only 3 left the field and we opened 10 new areas on our mission, another zone and we will open another in Pelotas on the next transfer!! Woohoo! I really wish I could stick around here to see it happen... but enough of that thought! 
I love going and picking up the new missionaries at the airport, one of my favorite things. Elder Barros (my new companion) showed up here on Monday, we spent most of the day getting ready for the huge transfer, after 22 new missionaries need 22 trainers, and we train the trainers. Elder Barros is one of the most Christ -like people I have ever met, he is also a little awkward and weird at times as well, but he has a real special spirit and the desire to follow the promptings of the Holy Ghost and is commiteed to following those impressions. Elder Singelo was a great companion, a lot of fire, but Elder Barros is calm, reserved and very thoughtful, it is interesting being companion of the two. I had the chance to go on exchanges with Elder Barros near the begining of the last transfer and I really enjoyed it and felt great with him. When it came time for us to give our suggestions to President Castro about the transfers, I put his name of the list to be my new companion ( it is weird being able to do that) clearly that I don't decide the transfers, it is The Lord who does that, but I felt really right putting his name there, and look what happened. 
So ya, transfer. We picked up the new missionaries at the airport. First rule of transfers, everything goes exactly the oppposite of what was planned. The flight delayed, we made mistakes in the tickets for the missionaries traveling by bus, our training ran over time, we had to switch what restaurant we would take them to at the last minute, and everyting else you can imagine. BUT, as incredible as it seems, it all came together and everything worked out! Miracles DO happen. 
Training with Elder Barros is fun, but you make a plan, and he doesn´t follow it AT ALL! haha, so it is ALL just going with the flow, but I feel like it was alright, we have zone council next week and we will see what happens, we were planning a bit of our training for that today. 
I forgot to mention a funny story. We travelled to Pelotas last weeks, or the week before, I don´t remember, we were with the whole Castro family. He has two sons, Gabriel who is 12 and Lucas who is 8. Ha, no matter who you are son of, boys will be boys and at some moment during the trip  they started in with a mild... discussion, it was quickly finished, it didn´t last really long, but at some moment I remember commenting afterwards that someday they would be best friends, and that they don´t believe me, because my parents used to say the same thing to me about my brothers and I didnt believe them, but now, my best friends truly are my brother and sisters. Funny how that works out right? Okay my time is up. Love you a lot
Also, we are staying here in the office WAYYYYY too much lately, so many things to do, I want to get outside! 

Elder Morgan

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