Monday, December 24, 2012


Óla! So we had a WAY good week. But first off. Elder Ewer is freaking me out a bit. We have the same first name, are from the same state, have the same food intolerances, often time speak the same words at the same time, and he has seen What´s up Doc? ! They love that movie in his family, as well as Swiss Family Robinson! So now when we talk to people on the street I am gonna tell him " Use your charm"
Tuesday we got up way early and went to a meeting with Elder Godoy, ( he keeps showing up on my mission) It was great! He talked with us about possibilites for why our mission isn´t baptizing as much as it used to and what could be keeping us from having sucess and having miracles happen in our lives and missions. It is true that what we are doing we are doing good, we just need to be doing more of it. I include myself in that. Our zone is finally shaking off the dust and is getting rolling, it has been no small task, but with Elder Ewer here and some of the new missionaries we got in this last transfer I am really hope filled for the end of this month and also for January, ( a particularly special month for me :p ) Also, IT IS SOOOOO HOT HERE!!!! 
In our own area we have already seen miracles. We found a great new couple last week that have a great desire to change their lives. They were living where there was people getting killed every day, he lost his work because of drugs and the family was getting torn apart, so he went to a kind of rehabilitation farm for a few months, and they moved way far away from where they were and they want to start a new life. We have taught them how baptism is a new birth and that a family is most likely to be sucessful based on restored gospel principals. Anyways, they went to church on Sunday and accepted baptism as well, but they will need to be married first so that is our first hurtle. Matteus and Rejane are there names.
Plus we had a WAY neat experience last week. We were walking to a lower part of our area, but we were walking right in the sun, so I suggested that we change our route to escape the heat, plus more people walk in the shade so we can stop and talk to them, when we cut to the other road, we stopped and felt that we should not on a certain house that we passed, so we did. It was a little old lady and we offered to show here the filmJoy to the World, when she found out it was free she let us in haha. She also has an adult son who lives at home. They felt The Spirit for sure when the film was playing and he shared with us that he has so many questions that he wants answered and has never found the answer anywhere he has gone, offered to share our message with him another day to see if it would respond to the questions he has. In our lesson yesterday, he was at the edge of his seat, and was really reluctant to let us go, The Spirit was strong but there was an obvious excitement as well a moment of " aha! Finaly!" He was touched by the doctrines of The Plan of Salvation and is anxious for us to come back, and readily accepted baptism. What a great blessing and a miracle to be an instrument in the hands of The Lord.
Right so my email time is coming up. Uh, I am going to use the internet here about 5 oclock my time here. Is that okay? If not, well, sorry haha its gonna have to do ha. I don´t know exactly what time that is there. I will be using skype and I will figure our my skype account. It honsetly scares me a bit the idea of my last Christmas call, and talking to family, it is a weird sensation, but It was be very great I am sure. Lots of loves! Até amanhã! Feliz Natal também! Man I didn´t even get to write anything about the importance of the season. Maybe next week. Just remember that Christ is the (with all respect) Birthday Boy. What are is giong to be your present to Him?
 Com Amor
Elder David F Morgan

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