Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Week Of Really Weird Stuff

Óla Famíla!
So this was a week where just weird stuff happened, it is all in my journal, but I can´t remember it off the top of my head.
There was an odd band of German imigrants in liderhosen (dunno how to spell that) walking around, we contacted a politician on the street. Uhh and also, so a member from another ward came up to us, told us he had nothing to do and offered to work with us, so we accepted. we went knocking because it was that day that everything had fallen through. First door... lady in a little red.... "thing" answered.. I thought, " well, it must be date night" so instead of trying to teach a lesson we just asked if she would like to hear a message another day. We were then informed that in that house... EVERY night was date night... with more than one person..... So ya, we just said goodnight and left. Awkward...
Okay, gettig to the important stuff.
Luis Fernando went to church again this week. He had been up until three in the morning and still made the sacrifice to go to church, when we called him the night before he was already ready and said " well ya of course I´m going to church tomorrow"
It has just been hard to meet with him regularly because of his college schedule.
We managed to teach a guy named Rudiele again too (totally a girls name here, but that´s alright, he is cool) Our first lesson with him was AWESOME! and then we tried and tried and tried to meet with him again, and he was never home. We happened to be close by on Friday and we felt impressed to stop our plans and go teach him. He was at home! We taught about The Restoration (last time was Plan of Salvation) and he really understands well, and asks lots of questions, it is just a joy to teach him. We marked his baptism for the begining of December, lots of room, he studies, plays on a local semi-pro soccer team (that I am a fan of) so it will probably be pretty difficult to find him at home, but we won´t give up.
Our area is coming along well, and the zone too, it was in a rut when we got here, ha and frankly, it still is, but there has been good progress.
Also, when at the Stake Presidents house, he turned on the TV to show us New York, I saw somebody, and said. " Hey that looks like my sister Bri, wait! she lives in New York!" I don´t think it was actually her, but looked a lot like it. Dad gave me and update, I supposed, that if something had happened, that I would have been notified anyways, but I was a lil' worried about ya for a moment.
On Friday it was Day of Dead here. Kind of a funny holiday.
Elder David F Morgan

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