Friday, February 10, 2012

Wish I knew more country music. But not really.

So once again the week has passed super fast and most of it has already fled from my memory.
 Funny story. It starts in Simões Lopes. When I was with E. Palandi, we passed a house one time and he said, ´hey let´s knock here, it´s the same number as my house back home. (#370) It was a funny coincidence that is my number too. A few days ago, Elder Almeida said the same thing, ´hey lot´s knock here, it´s the same number as my house at home. ALSO #370. Whoa! What are the odds?
  We had a good week of work, it was REALLY hot, or raining really hard, but that has to mean some big blessings are coming our way.
 We went on exchanges with our Zone Leaders this week. so I made yet another travel to Pelotas this week, ha and there will be TWO this week. and probably another the following week as well. My goodness.
Anyways. Elder Nascimento stayed here with E. Almeida and I went to Pelotas with E. Hunsaker.
To be honest, my first impression on E. Hunsaker when I first met him a few transfers ago, was not the most impressive, and I was honestly (though I am ashamed to say it) a little surprised when he was called as my Zone Leader, and the idea of spending the day with him was an interesting one. But, as I thought about it, I decided to give him the benefit of the doubt, and thought that in reality I don´t know him that well and he is probably way different than my first impression and I will more than likely have a great experience and learn a lot from him. I was right. It was great, we worked hard, talked to lots of people, it was a holiday so we didn´t get to teach much; but I really learned a lot from just talking with him and we talked about being missionaries, companions etc. He also is a bit like my first impression which is SUPER red neck ha. He was a little disappointed I didn´t know more modern country music. When you get past Faith Hill, Garth Brooks, or Tim McGraw, I get pretty much lost... but I´m not really ashamed of that.
He talked to me about just being myself and when he prayed I really felt The Spirit strong and I could tell he has great faith.
We starting teaching a great family, that already have had some contact with the church previously, they are a little reserved, but treat us well and listen and ask questions, and I have great hopes for them.
That is about all for this week.
I was reading in The Book of Mormon, stories about other missionaries like Ammon and Aaron. I was impressed with the importance of service, and of always being an example. I also feel inspired as read the chapters of their teaching.
I am gonna go now. Much love, make sure you have a good balance in your life, and be happy.
Seu Filho, Irmão, e amigo
Elder David F. Morgan

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